Welcome to Braden's Portfolio!
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About me
My work

Heads up!

This website is still under development.

Some links may lead to 404 pages. I encourage you to read my article "How can we define gender?" below or review my résumé above!

What's new?

Winning Apple’s Swift Student Challenge!

My application was designed to offer inclusive and accessible tools and reading materials that support individuals’ ability to experience positive, privacy-focused environments. Additionally, it provided convenient and transparent access to mental, physical, and environmental health resources.

An image of text that reads 'Read How can we define gender by Braden Tiernan' with a colorful background resembling the Progress Pride Flag. Created by Braden Tiernan.

Read "How can we define gender?"

Gender is a complex and personal defining aspect of many of our lives. Let's explore what it might mean to others.

An image of text that reads 'https://braden.today by Braden Tiernan' with a background resembling the colors of the night sky. Created by Braden Tiernan.

Unravel the secrets behind my website’s creation!

I built this project using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with a little help from PHP. It’s a great way to show off my skills in the core programming languages that power every website.

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Hello, my name is Braden Tiernan.

I'm a software developer passionate about creating magical, inclusive, accessible, and privacy-focused experiences.

Check out my recent projects!

See my other pages!

Braden's programming languages!

Braden's Values!

Braden's Social Media!

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